
 On veganism and equality.

Once upon a time, when I seek philosophy channels upon YouTube, I came across interviews with pedestrians on philosophical arguments. 

There is one video where the interviewer interviewed two individuals in a pride gathering.

The interviewer brought up the idea of equality. Equality between human beings. 

Up until this point the interview seemed logical and rational. I agree that all human deserved to be treated fairly despite gender, sexuality, race, social status, etc. However, the interviewer proceed to ask them about equality between human and animals. On Veganism and animal cruelty.

One of the ladies being interviewed refused to continue on said subject. In my opinion, this is the right thing to do.

The conversation, unsurprisingly, does not proceed in a productive manner.

Vegetarianism is to not consume animal products. Meat, leather, bones, etc. Veganism is to not consume animal products, as well as animal delivered products such as dairy, and eggs.

Regardless of intent, human consuming meat from various animals but not fellow human beings. People who consume meat from animals does not necessarily consume human flesh, and cannibalism is considered immoral (and illegal?). A hierarchy is indicated: humans view themselves as superior. 

To draw human as equal to animals, therefore not to consume the bodies of animals, is to establish equality between life forms with consciousness. However, consuming plants are considered the "right" thing to do in both veganism and vegetarianism.

When taken a step further and argue that plants have consciousness or that they are lives as well, the conversation is not likely productive as we came to a conclusion that by consuming plants and animals to survive, inducing harm to other lives, is unethical. 

This is a slippery slope. The problem to me, is not to induce equality between lives but to draw the line where rights are given.

Giving animals as much rights legally given to humans and expect them to obey laws is as confusing as treating humans as life stock and slaughter them for consumpion.

Saying eating some animals are more immoral than eating the other, is their own believe.

Also, saying consuming animal delivered products are immoral is also their own believe. 

Animal cruelty and abuse do exist, and whether to induce that is a matter of choice.

When a person believe in equality and supported a pride conversion, that does not make them a believer of all lives are equal. That just mean they believe in equal rights within the human race.

Track of the day: Steve Vai - Weeping China Doll

This is my favourite track in the album The Story of Light. It was composed by transcribing the position of weeping china doll buds on a music sheet. There must be some romanticism  bled into the music.


Scent of the day: Lush - The Bug

How about something vegan and cruelty free to give a touch of chilling autumn darkness.