Whilst browsing the internet, I have came across some avant-grade sarcastic website. here.
The meme is that DHMO is just water
Ironically, it is in the manner many scholarly materials and news were written in. Not to ridicule, but to inform or persuade.
Last night, around midnight, we did some cleaning. The next day, instead of appreciation we were blamed for noise.
It is somewhat illogical, but is an act more of a crime if it was against peace?
Quantum immortality. I have found the idea foolish. It is a unnecessary spin on Schrödinger's cat.
Based on the assumption that quantum multiverse is true and each decision made create a different universe where the alternate outcome happened, if one were to pull the trigger and commit suicide, either the shot was fires and the person is dead or the gun is jammed and the person is alive, it states that when it happened repeatedly, the person is immortal.
The person no longer exist in the universe but is alive in the other. Each time the person dies, there is a alternative universe where the person survived. Therefore immortal.
The urge to facepalm at the logic in this is overwhelming. What contribution to humanity it would make? Not that I can think of.
If 't be true that some fool wholeheartedly believed in the theory and thought themselves to be immortal, firstly it was implied that multiple instances of the being exists in different universe and each instance is created by a situation where an alternate outcome is possible whereas the individual having no idea the alternate universe ever existed.
Yet the universe where the individual died would not seize to exist after the person is dead.
UNLESS... solipsism is true and one is the only reality what exists. Which cannot be either proved or disproved.
Any human being level-headed would be able to sort that out.
I'm done. This is ridiculous.
Scent of the day: English Fern
I use this to battle the odor of damp clothing in the room.
Track of the day: Type O Negative - Everything Dies
Needless to say this is one of my favourite band and I used to play their songs on a surveyor 4 using Pete's tuning.