I wish for eternal slumber, the sweet embrace of oblivion. They say quitters are losers, yet I beg to disagree. One knows that living is suffering, therefore dare to defy the will to live and end the pain.
They say that Hypnos is the brother of Thanatos, that sleep is temporary death. The Greeks view sleep as the closest state to death.
The fear of death, is fear of the unknown.
The fear of losing earthly possessions , Relationships. Everything?
Yet they do not fear sleep. It was, ultimately, fear of having no ctrl + Z no return.
Even if there is a Save & Load system in life I bet it would not be any less sh*tty.
Death is inevitable, yet what would be of life if there is not an end to it?
If there'd be no death, would there be Wille zum Leben still?
The Greeks said the power that put the world to work is Love. Art, and Platonic love, in the place for Wille zum Leben when one'd be immortal perhaps?
The most out of character thing I do, is having a plush rabbit on my bed. (Glasses for scale, it is 1.2m long)
Smells like this. Befitting, right? (Endymion was put into eternal slumber in return for immortality)
Selene (the titan Goddess) and Endymion had a lot of children after he was put to sleep. Is it romantic or just somnophiliac?
Personally, I prefer the EDP over EDC. The EDC is too much citrus for spraying onto a pillow... or plush bunny for that matter.
It has been quite a while since I cut all social network.
It was a bother, a burden, to keep in touch with the world.
When was the last time I was out, not for a doctor's appointment?
A lot of things, memories, that I do not need, had been taken care of. But there was more that I am not capable of getting rid of.
Scent of the day: French Lover
The summer scent of choice. Wild enough to be sprayed all over a metal band's shirt or actual shirt, open collar.
Track of the day: Type O Negative - Anesthesia
The fear of death, is fear of the unknown.
The fear of losing earthly possessions , Relationships. Everything?
Yet they do not fear sleep. It was, ultimately, fear of having no ctrl + Z no return.
Even if there is a Save & Load system in life I bet it would not be any less sh*tty.
Death is inevitable, yet what would be of life if there is not an end to it?
If there'd be no death, would there be Wille zum Leben still?
The Greeks said the power that put the world to work is Love. Art, and Platonic love, in the place for Wille zum Leben when one'd be immortal perhaps?
The most out of character thing I do, is having a plush rabbit on my bed. (Glasses for scale, it is 1.2m long)
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What a pathetic twenty-somethinig years old I am |
Smells like this. Befitting, right? (Endymion was put into eternal slumber in return for immortality)
Selene (the titan Goddess) and Endymion had a lot of children after he was put to sleep. Is it romantic or just somnophiliac?
Personally, I prefer the EDP over EDC. The EDC is too much citrus for spraying onto a pillow... or plush bunny for that matter.
It has been quite a while since I cut all social network.
It was a bother, a burden, to keep in touch with the world.
When was the last time I was out, not for a doctor's appointment?
A lot of things, memories, that I do not need, had been taken care of. But there was more that I am not capable of getting rid of.
Scent of the day: French Lover
The summer scent of choice. Wild enough to be sprayed all over a metal band's shirt or actual shirt, open collar.
Track of the day: Type O Negative - Anesthesia