13 DEC 2020

 The purpose of life.

We were born with nothing and will leave with nothing.

What is the purpose of life? Does not matter if your parents tried hard to have a lovechild or was born an accident.

Our instincts tell us to eat, sleep, gather resources in order to have a better chance of living. What else?

It seems to be perfectly happy to live for the sake of living. There seems to be no higher purpose of life, not that I am aware of.

People are born to evolve. That is the way things are. We are not born in order to have technology, it happens as a product of life. It happened because people want life to be a little easier for them.

The Greeks said that the world was driven by love. Schopenhauer said living evokes dissatisfaction, therefore people seek to satisfy it. 

In my opinion, both of the were not wrong. The love for not being in hunger, the distress of being in hunger, are what drives man to eat. Primal instincts drives man by both dissatisfaction and satisfaction. Punishment and reward. 

The fact is, man can never be truly satisfied. The ultimate satisfaction, the utopian world, heaven, is not possible to imagine, as man would lose their will to live.

We live as if we were forever. Once we come into realization that everything we do, what we care about, is only microscopic in the view of the entire world. One may live through their lives without worrying about the inevitable death. The thought of death that cause us so much distress, can be avoided by simply, not thinking about it.

Thinking about death all the time and making a fuss about it does not make you more intelligent, it makes you an edge lord.

What we care about the most today, may be insignificant in 5 years. So, what about our lives? Insignificant in a thousand years? 

We came here to experience live. Nobody knows exactly how long we have until our deaths. Everything is a gain as we were born with nothing.

Pain is inevitable, it is the only thing that will be with us until forever. The reason we have decided to not hang ourselves in the closet is because we found living more bearable than death.

We may not have a true calling, to relief others from the pain of life, or to make the world we live in a better place. The pain of living is lesser than that of dying, is enough to put people through.

Pain in French means bread, now you can look at the above paragraph and laugh about it

It seems to be the norm to live with our phones with us all the time. It used to be just in case your mom calls and ask when are you going to be home so that she can determine how much pasta to cook, it was now for mindlessly scrolling through social media.

We have forgotten about how we used to live when phones were not that popular, and equipped with so many features. 

Addicted to the internet and cannot live a minute without our phones are the new norm.

The fact is, when you are invested into one activity enough, everything else including your phone, becomes unimportant. 

People feel the need of multitasking when there is no need for it at all. Idle games were invented to make you go back every few hours, click a few buttons, and feel like we have accomplished something.

When we were overstimulated, we become restless. We think to ourselves that we are busy when things could be done in a short amount of time, one by one. We become anxious, worry about things we do not have control over. Become distressed and rush for everything.

Some things will sort themselves out without your attention. Just like how you water a plant and let it be for the rest of the day. 

Mindless consumption of media is dangerous. The stimulus of moving things and sounds are meant to catch our attention, and we easily devote ourselves watching recommended YouTube videos, and an entire season of soap opera on Netflix. 

We devote ourselves into mindless consumption of media, as a coping mechanism, to escape the tasks we have in front of us, the dissatisfaction of our lives in reality.

We may do this unknowingly. We may just think to ourselves, social media are fun and I like to scroll through it simply because I enjoy it. 

I used to have books with me all the time when I was small and phones were not smartphones. It was fiction that I enjoyed the most. This was my coping mechanism.

When I was older and have a smartphone, I found myself watching YouTube lets plays all the time and reading more fiction on my smartphone. This is unhealthy.

Another thing. When posting second handed items for sale, people always message you with the offer of insanely low prices. Even if I said clearly on the post no negotiations on price will be accepted and they will be blocked as soon as they ask. 

This is not about if you get a sweet deal or not. This is about respect. When one does not respect the rules and boundaries of another person, is that person worth dealing with at all?

This is the same as putting your hand on a lady's bosom without permission on public transport. Disrespectful.