25 DEC 2020

The reason I am a vegetarian.

It started when I was a teenager and my mother is starting to look into Buddhism. I am not a believer myself, but this made my way to a vegetarian diet much easier.

I remember trying to switch to a vegan diet at first, and failing because it is nearly impossible to find bread without eggs or milk.

I do not remember exactly the reasons I was interested in veganism or vegetarianism. I was not a fan of meat to begin with, and after reading all the benefit of cutting it out of my diet, it is just a 'why not'.

Consuming meat do not make me uncomfortable (because of animal cruelty or religious beliefs), and I adore leather products. I admit that I am a selfish human being, choosing to consume eggs and dairy because it suited my needs, knowing how cruel the industry was. In fact, if a leather product is made of human skin, and look nice enough, I will probably not care about it either.

A corpse of a cow is a corpse, and a corpse of a human is a corpse too. I do not see a problem in consuming human flesh apart from health concerns. However, supporting the leather industry is supporting animal slaughter. Sometimes the most valuable part of an animal is their skin. When that was the case, meat is only the by-product of leather.

Will the slaughter of animals ever be merciful? No. It is forever a cruel act. For some people, this is not  their concern. They will argue that killing a plant and killing an animal is killing nevertheless, yet they would refuse to kill a fish for a dish themselves. This, I do not understand.

It is just that I do not feel bad for the massively produced animals, farmed for their meat. The eggs and dairy industry is often more cruel. Whenever a process is profitable, there will be people doing it.

Farming animals for their meat is just like people breeding animals for profit. The difference being the animal is not being killed

Animals are being genetically modified, just like how people breed animals to keep as pets.

Male chicks were grind to death because they cannot lay eggs.

The world will certainly be a better place if the meat industry do not exist. Better environment, more sustainable, all that jazz.

Synthetic leather is a problem on its own. It is less durable, creates more waste over time and is not biodegradable. The real problem, to me, is fast fashion.

Eggs and dairy are a cruel industry. But taking them out of my diet is going to be hard, especially when dining out or buying a bread to eat at work or as breakfast. Being vegan is going to cause quite a lot of trouble, therefore I found my comfort zone in a vegetarian diet.

On raw food.

It is always good to see what is in your food. But I do not agree on preaching like it is superior to other foods. It is just being conscious about what you eat. However, a more Eco-friendly lifestyle is not a bad thing to enjoy. 

People do not get fat or heart attacks because of having one chocolate bar. It depended on the entirety of

We all know fruits and vegetables are good for your health, but don't beat yourself up over having a cupcake once in a while.