4 JAN 2021

First post on 2021.

I am currently on a 'no buy' month, 1 week to go and I think I have saved a good amount of money.

The more I let things sit on my cart, the less I want them. Most of the things that went through this process was an item that I want, instead of need.

Of course, I have been wanting some items. Sample set from etat libre d'orange. New pair of shoes to replace my not so comfortable ones. New perfumes.

Speaking of which, my order from Fabled Fragrances has arrived and I am very happy with this particular purchase. A 10ml bottle of Incubus (which is a beautifully smokey blend), and some samples.

This brand deserve more attention in my opinion. They are certainly unique in their own ways. They are not made to be like a perfume, but to provoke a certain image. If you have sniffed enough perfumes from a cosmetics store, you know what I am talking about when it comes to being generic. Fabled Fragrances will not give you that.

When I want to purchase another perfume, I go sniff those I already own and try to convince myself that I do not need another one. I can use up an entire bottle of perfume, including 100ml, of which is an accomplishment on its own. Many perfume collectors never finish a bottle.

I had a plan on doing a project pan on perfumes, to trim down my collection, to keep only those I really enjoy using and would repurchase if they ever run out. It would probably be a challenge as my preference will shift over time, the perfumes I purchased years ago does not fit my liking anymore. 

Anyway. Keeping the bottle count small can help build a unique profile. If I end up not liking the perfume half way through, good, I have one less to repurchase. If I ended up liking it more, then I have found my signature.

I have planned on keeping at most 3 perfumes from each brand. Excluding BPAL because those I would repurchase have exceeded 3 long time ago... 

Such a shame that Alizarin and Bayolea from Penhaligon's have been discontinued. The three bottles I would keep from Penhaligon's is going to be within Alizarin, Sartorial and Engymion EDP... and Bayoea.

Those I intend to use up and not purchase a new one:

Penhaligon's Juniper Sling (this is going to be easy because it is light and work appropriate)

Penhaligon's English Fern (this is going to be tough because the smell has changed over time)

Frederic Malle French Lover (I would take a bottle of Monsieur after this bottle is gone)

BPAL Western Diamondback

Lush The Bug (I have 2 bottles of it)

There are less impulse purchases, that, I am proud of. Yet there is one more thing that I need o learn: it is okay to own things.

I have entered a state of desperate de-cluttering. Getting rid of clothing, books, items that I do not see myself utilizing in the near future. When I remind myself there is something in my possession that I found no use of, I get anxious and want to get rid of it immediately.

In reality, that thing can sit at the bottom of my drawer and there is no difference in my life, if I own that item or not.