8 JUNE 2020

There must be some inflammation in my throat and ear that had not been cleared up. And a single pimple where it hurts in a two inch wide diameter on the bridge of my nose that made wearing glass a literal pain.

I miss the feeling of looking foward to receiving somethjng in the mail that you have ordered ages ago. Not even impulse buying things. There is nothing in particular that I want badly.

As a matter of fact, I want to get rid of things more than wanting anything.

It used to be something to look foward to, working and using that payment for things you love. CDs, clothing, books, whatever.

Now I look at things and be like: this is nice. I don't need it, don't want it either.

It gives the impression that I am not passionate, loves nothing. Perhaps they were right about that.

It is like first philosophy and second philosophy. Even if the same object was viewed, it is in a total different perspective.

I like things simple aand straight foward, using as little effort as possible to get something done. I am lazy as hell.

I like having the same combination of things in my food. Having as little to do to get dressed as possible, etc.

It is good to have changes over time, like different flavoured soy bean milk. But never too much out of my comfort zone: that would take up too much mental capacity.

It started off as a "leaving as little things behind as possible so that it would be less of a pain to clean up after I died" kind of action. Soon I discovered that quite a lot of my possessions will be worth a lot less if not in the right hands.

Then I began selling my stuff. Did not work out.


Scent of the day: BPAL Glass Eye
How this 5ml bottle last this long when I spiled it on my table twice, I have no idea.

Track (album) of the day: Tchaikovsky Ballet Suites
The exact album I listen to when I really need to curl up in a ball.